I’ve been around computers and the internet for quite a long time. Longer than most. Before Windows existed. That’s a long time. At that time, people did things in DOS (whatever that means). Things were fast, free, no ads and almost no communication. But the beginnings were there with Prodigy and Compuserve. I recall real time chat which I saw for the first time in DOS. I nearly fell off my chair as I watched someone else typing conversation, while I was connected with a 14.4k modem. Then, once our browsers allowed us to view images, the whole world fell in love with the internet, including advertisers.
Now so many of us have alter egos online. Whether it is social or practical, today we live our daily lives connected to internet and hence the world by necessity in many cases. And we shop. We browse and we shop.
Typical items found and purchased on the internet are for home decor. Why go to the store when you can browse at home, purchase in a paperless manner don't have to carry parcels, brave rainy or snowy weather or put up with road rage. Small items are especially popular. Great for impulse buying.
Here are some favorite items sold online.
Set of Cast Iron Rooster Bookends
Cast Iron Doorstop Bulldog/Boston Terrier
John Deere Tractor Salt & Pepper Shaker
Kitchen Fairy on Banana
Jim Shore Horse Figurine
Angel with Hen and Eggs Jim Shore Heartwood Creek
Don’t know what some of these things are? Even if Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston shops elsewhere, this, my friends, is what many people of the internet are buying. These affordable small cast iron objects of desire. These ever hard to get Jim Shore collectibles keep search engines rolling in money. Websites want this business, they advertise and pay search engines to get noticed, the ads appeal to the people, Grandma or Grandpa get hooked up and before you know it another set of Rooster Bookends is sold.
Why? Because it’s easy. It’s a hobby. It’s a way to explore many more things in the world than you can by getting outdoors and walking or driving somewhere. True it may be more real to get out, healthier and better in other ways, but folks, the gas crunch is here, high speed connection is here, products are on the net for less, and so we buy. Even if we don’t need that tin sign or that salt and pepper shaker, we buy. It’s fun, it can be inexpensive entertainment (compared to $30 for 2 for a movie and popcorn) and sometimes it’s just plain practical. I consider this normal behavior. So keep it up folks – and there will be even more good things online ahead.
Labels: actress, angelina jolie, celebrities, star
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