Pregnant Angelina Jolie and her partner Brad Pitt, are currently residing in Texas - on a ranch in small town Smithville, which is about 30 miles southeast of Austin. Brad is currently on set there of his latest film Tree of Life, also starring Sean Penn, directed by Terrance Malick.
The couple plan to stay there until the birth of their child(ren) sometime in late June, early July. The ranch is a perfect place for the celebrity couple as it's a sprawling 270 acres and it's away from a road so the prying eyes of the paparazzi, even with telephoto lenses can't invade their privacy.
A source told OK! magazine: "They are concerned about people being able to see their home, or even their driveway, from the road."
Plus, Texans have a distaste for trespassers so perhaps there will be stricter laws for the paps if they're caught trying to get photos of the Jolie-Pitt family during their private time.
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