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This is a follow up to the Lohan’s Losses article on March 5, 2008. It has been confirmed that Lindsay Lohan has been dropped as the face of the Jill Stuart fashion line.

However, was she ever really a model? When I think model I think Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, Christie Brinkley, Cindy Crawford, Iman and Giselle, to name a few. I don’t think Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton. Have they modeled enough to really earn that distinction? No.

Lindsay’s dismissal couldn’t have come at a worse time, as she’s blown through most of her money according to reports.

She spent $1 million to live at the Château Marmont hotel for the year of 2006, which was very unwise. She was paying per night what many pay per month for a mortgage. Yes, it’s a lovely hotel, but to live there is quite costly, especially for someone who wasn’t very rich.

She also spent close to $1 million on staff (bodyguards, publicists and stylists). It is also estimated she spent $1 million on partying, traveling, clothes, grooming and tanning.

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